Voodoo Juice 4L

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Quick Overview
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice 4L

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Voodoo Juice has cast a yield-enhancing spell on the horticultural industry. These microbes colonize root systems so that plants can more easily uptake organic and chemical substances. One of the microbes present in Voodoo creates gibberellins that help plants respond to floral triggering, encourage enzyme production, and increase cellular replication.

AN has released their NEWEST version of Voodoo Juice!
Guess what everybody? Voodoo Juice now contains 12 kick ass species!!! For those of you who have been with AN from the start, you all know that this product originally started with only 4 species. Then upgraded to 6. Even then it kicked major butt. Well we've been watching the back of this bottle closely lately, and the truth is they've been investing more time and energy into this product than any product on any shelf in any hydro shop! This really goes to show that AN has taken the majority of their proceeds from their awesome nutrient program, and dumped them right back into what makes them the BEST!


One might ask, what the heck is R+D? Some might say of course i know what R+D is. It's Research and Development. The raw cornerstone of AN's success. They have searched this planet far and wide to bring YOU the best possible product for YOUR garden. We all need to give Advanced Nutrients a big pat on the back for this one. We here at D.A.N. have never seen some of these species in ANY product ANYWHERE, and cannot wait to get some of the juice in our garden immediately.

For those of you who have never used Voodoo Juice, now's the time! Give your roots a chance to show off, afterall this is the most important part of your plant! The bigger, healthier root system will lead to the bigger and higher quality yields that you are after.

To top it all off, you haven't even heard the best part!

The concentration of Voodoo Juice has been increased. Instead of using 10-14mL per gallon, you only have to use 8mL per gallon!

This translates directly to, MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK!

Furthermore, you should really check out our custom tailored Discount Packages. Only D.A.N. offers these COMPLETE packages to give you everything you need for complete success! Included in some of these packages (for a limited time) is Bud Candy and Voodoo Juice on us!

Get growing with Voodoo Juice today, or be left in the dust by your competition.

Species List: Bacillus SubtilisBacillus MegateriumBacillus AmyloliquefaciensBacillus PumilusBacillus Licheniformis, Paenibacillus Azotofixans*, Bacillus Mycaides*, Bacillus Laterosporus, Bacillus Macerans*, Bacillus Polymyxa*, Bacillus CereusPaenibacillus Polymyxa

*So new they are not referenced on Wikipedia yet!!!

See How Taking Care Of Your Plants' Roots Wins You Optimum Harvests!

Your plants’ roots are like buried treasure when you discover how easy it is to maximize their function and to achieve optimum harvests.

You take care of your roots by utilizing their ability to form symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi and bacteria. These relationships help your roots intake nutrients.

Beneficial microbes break down old root material, and provide nutrition.

On top of that, microbes provide aeration so oxygen can reach further to penetrate more into roots. They also capture nitrogen and help make phosphorus more available, which you are aware of as essential, major nutrients for your plants.

Given that beneficial microbes contribute to a more natural, better-functioning root zone environment, what is the best way to place beneficial microbes into the hydroponics root zone?

To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project to create beneficial microbes that give Voodoo Juice that the following documented plusses for your garden:

Maximum-development of roots on your seedlings, transplants and clones

Your roots have enhanced branching, root density, root mass

Enhanced efficiency of nutrient intake, saving you time and money

Maximize growth and flowering


You see how beneficial microbes products are good for your garden, but yes it’s confusing and frustrating when you go to a hydroponics store and see beneficial microbes formulas made by different manufacturers. Your obvious question is which of these is going to give me the biggest bang for my buck.

To answer your question, understand there are two very distinct processes manufacturers can choose from when they want to offer you microbes products.

The most common process is when a hydroponics company calculates that it can save on production costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or microbial compatibility. And in the process they forfeit supervision of manufacturing and quality control.

Not only that, but their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, when someone talks about the microbe “Bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy.

And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 300 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower motor! That’s how much difference there is between individual types of “Bacillus subtilis” microbes.

Obviously we absolutely make sure Voodoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu!

Here’s how we do it…

Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has THREE Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-varieties of Bacillus Subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program. In fact over the last two years Voodoo Juice’s root-producing abilities have been increased by 117%.

It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. That’s why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow.

Our scientists demand that we buy them all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (Yes, we test for fast versus slow replicating microbes).

Voodoo Juice is NOT outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and Tarantula root zone products)

Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFU’s). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all eight strains in Voodoo Juice are carefully recombined.

To ensure Voodoo Juice has very long shelf life and superior viability, Voodoo’s microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Voodoo Juice into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted.

As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Voodoo’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, maximizing flower-boosting hormones, and enhancing root size and function.

The bottom line is you procure Voodoo Juice and feed your roots to get more vigorous plants and mega-potent flowers. This is a basic but important step you can easily take today to upgrade the nutrient health and productivity of your garden right away.


FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll see maximum root growth when you use Voodoo Juice, allowing you to make more efficient use of the root zone so you get maximum harvests.

Each of these three products contains unique beneficial microbes that contribute to the nutrient healthiest root zone so your plants grow their best. The microbes in these three products combine to form a symbiosis with your roots and each other to provide even more root enhancement.

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Size - metric - liquid 4L
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